New Data Reveals What Americans Will Eat, Drink During The Super Bowl (2024)

New Data Reveals What Americans Will Eat, Drink During The Super Bowl (1)

Chips are among the popular snack foods American will be buying as they plan their Super Bowl watch parties.

As the preeminent sporting event in the U.S, the Super Bowl is a day when most Americans partake in watch parties that include a host of food and beverages.

New data from Numerator found that 61% of consumers plan to watch the National Football League’s championship game, which this year will be held in Las Vegas and pits the Kansas City Chiefs against the San Francisco 49ers.

For those planning to watch the big game, 82% will do so at home either with only their immediate family or with a larger gathering of family and friends.

Retailers looking to make last minute adjustments to their assortments of food and beverage,Numerator figures revealed that 50% of those watching the Super Bowl will purchase soda to consume during the game, followed by beer (37%), spirits (22%), wine or champagne (22%), sparkling water (15%), juice (13%), hard seltzers (10%), ready-to-drink co*cktails (9%) and THC- or CBD-infused beverages (3%).

Snack foods remain a popular choice for many. Chips and classic game day favorites top the Super Bowl food shopping list with 75% of Super Bowl watchers planning to buy chips, followed by dips / salsa / guacamole (67%), pizza (47%), chicken wings (42%), and nachos (22%),Numerator figures show.

As shoppers load up for theirSuper Bowl watch parties, private label products offer an opportunity for consumers to save money, according to insights from Andy Keenan, executive vice president & general manager atAdvantage Solutions.

Keenan notes that 92% of consumers trust private brands equal to or more than national brands. Withsnacks and appetizers among the most important components to a successful Super Bowl party, he said these categories are optimal for retailers looking to spotlight their private brands.

Additionally, Keenan said non-alcoholic beer and spirits are growing in popularity as consumers become increasingly health conscious. Non-alcoholic beer volume sales grew more than 18% in the 52 weeks that ended Oct. 8, 2023 versus 2022 and big players in the space are taking notice.

He also noted that inflation appears to be less of a concern for shoppers this year. Total spending on food, drinks, apparel, decorations and other purchases for the day is expected to reach a record $17.3 billion, or $86.04 per person. Food and drink account for approximately 80% of that total spend.

New Data Reveals What Americans Will Eat, Drink During The Super Bowl (2024)


New Data Reveals What Americans Will Eat, Drink During The Super Bowl? ›

Retailers looking to make last minute adjustments to their assortments of food and beverage, Numerator figures revealed that 50% of those watching the Super Bowl will purchase soda to consume during the game, followed by beer (37%), spirits (22%), wine or champagne (22%), sparkling water (15%), juice (13%), hard ...

How much food do Americans eat during the Super Bowl? ›

People chow down on more than 11.2 million pounds of potato chips on Super Bowl Sunday alone, followed closely by 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips for all your guac and salsa needs and 4 million pounds of pretzels. Speaking of guacamole, folks will eat more than 8 million pounds of guac on the football holiday.

What is the number one beverage consumed during the Super Bowl? ›

The commercial impact of the Super Bowl

According to estimates in the United States, approximately 75% of fans opt for beer on game day, generating an estimated consumption of 1.23 billion liters or 325 million gallons, according to reports from the Dallas News portal.

What food are most eaten during Super Bowl? ›

List Of Super Bowl Food Facts
  • 1 In 7 Americans Order Take Out. ...
  • 60% Of Take Out Orders Is Pizza. ...
  • 1.25 Billion Chicken Wings Are Eaten. ...
  • 19.4 Million Pounds Of Chips Are Purchased. ...
  • Avocadoes Are A Fan Favorite. ...
  • 10% Of Americans Use Their Grills. ...
  • Popcorn & Nuts Are Popular Snacks. ...
  • 325.5 Million Gallons Of Beer Are Consumed.

Do people drink during the Super Bowl? ›

Alcohol, especially beer, and the Super Bowl seem to go hand in hand. Binge drinking and overconsumption are common during the Super Bowl. It has been estimated that over 325 million gallons of beer are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday.

How much food is wasted during Super Bowl? ›

Every year, over 140,000 pounds of surplus Super Bowl food get trashed, so this recovery project is as much about awareness as anything.

How much is spent on food during the Super Bowl? ›

Spending on food, drinks, decorations, apparel and other goods could total $17.3 billion, the National Retail Federation says. The average American consumer will spend $86 on the Super Bowl this year, according to new reporting by the National Retail Federation.

What is the number 1 beverage? ›

Water is the most consumed beverage globally, essential for human survival.

What sells the most during the Super Bowl? ›

Super Bowl week ranks #1 in terms of total snack sales for the entire year. The snack data compared buying stats from Super Bowl 2023 to stats from the prior year. Notably, the most significant sales spikes during Super Bowl week were in the categories of corn chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, and potato chips.

What is the #1 beverage being consumed by Americans today? ›

Based on search results, water stands out as the most prevalent beverage in the American diet, constituting 50% of overall consumption, encompassing both bottled and tap water.

What are the top 5 Super Bowl party foods? ›

Top Five Super Bowl Foods
  • #1 Chicken Wings: The Unrivaled Super Bowl Food MVP. When it comes to Super Bowl snacking, chicken wings have long been crowned the most popular super bowl food. ...
  • #2 Everything Bagel. ...
  • #3 Cola Chicken. ...
  • #4 Buffalo Cauliflower. ...
  • #5 Air Fryer Taquitos.
Jan 6, 2024

What is the number 1 super food? ›

1. Dark Leafy Greens. Dark green leafy vegetables (DGLVs) are an excellent source of nutrients including folate, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and fiber.

What are the top two Super Bowl snacks? ›

The Top 5 Super Bowl Snacks
  • Want to know just how much Americans love chicken wings? ...
  • It's no surprise that chips 'n' dips are a super popular snack for the Super Bowl. ...
  • Another finger food idea for your Super Bowl party: good ole guacamole.

What is the most popular drink during the Super Bowl? ›

Retailers looking to make last minute adjustments to their assortments of food and beverage, Numerator figures revealed that 50% of those watching the Super Bowl will purchase soda to consume during the game, followed by beer (37%), spirits (22%), wine or champagne (22%), sparkling water (15%), juice (13%), hard ...

Is it illegal to have a Super Bowl party? ›

Even if you do not use any NFL trademarks in promoting or holding your event, the very act of showing the game to a group of people could be a violation of the NFL's copyrights to every NFL game.

Was Gatorade poured at Super Bowl? ›

It is an NFL tradition for the winning team at the Super Bowl to pour Gatorade over their head coach. While this doesn't happen every season, it happens much more often than not. The bet lies in the flavor of Gatorade.

How much pizza is eaten during the Super Bowl? ›

Pizza: Let's kick off with a slice of everyone's favorite game day food – pizza. Super Bowl Sunday sees a staggering increase in pizza orders. In fact, it's estimated that over 12 million pizzas are ordered on this day!

How many burgers are eaten during the Super Bowl? ›

During the week of the Super Bowl, about 10% of Americans grill food, second to only the 4th of July. It is estimated that 14 billion hamburgers are made, while other options include hot dogs, steak, bratwurst, or grilled vegetables.

Is Super Bowl Sunday the 2nd largest food consumption? ›

The Super Bowl is the second-biggest eating day of the year after Thanksgiving. Roughly 1.45 billion chicken wings are consumed during the Super Bowl. Wings aren't alone.

How many wings do Americans eat during the Super Bowl? ›

So that begs the question, how many chicken wings do Americans consume on Super Bowl Sunday? According to the National Chicken Council's (NCC) 2024 Wing Report, Americans will consume over a billion wings when the Chiefs and 49ers kick off in Las Vegas. 1.45 billion, to be exact.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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