Statistics About The Most Popular Super Bowl Foods • Gitnux (2024)

Super Bowl Sunday is not only a celebration of football; it’s also a time for indulging in delicious food and beverages while cheering for our favorite teams. From mouth-watering appetizers to hearty main dishes and irresistible desserts, Super Bowl parties are a culinary delight. But have you ever wondered which dishes are the most popular among football fans? In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating world of Super Bowl foods and explore the statistics behind the dishes that make this day truly unforgettable for food enthusiasts. So, get ready to discover the most popular Super Bowl foods and unravel the appetizing numbers that go along with them.

The Latest Most Popular Super Bowl Foods Statistics Explained

1.4 billion chicken wings were consumed during the Super Bowl in 2020.

In 2020, during the Super Bowl, a staggering 1.4 billion chicken wings were consumed. This statistic represents the monumental amount of chicken wings that were eaten by football fans during the popular sporting event. It showcases the immense popularity and significance of this food item as a quintessential choice for Super Bowl festivities. The enormous quantity consumed is a testament to the widespread tradition of indulging in chicken wings while watching the game, highlighting the role of this statistic in gauging the magnitude of food consumption during this annual event.

According to a study, 28% of Super Bowl watchers eat pizza during the game.

According to a study, it was found that 28% of people who watch the Super Bowl consume pizza while watching the game. This statistic indicates that nearly a third of the viewers enjoy pizza as a popular food choice during the event. This finding suggests that pizza is a preferred snack or meal option for many Super Bowl watchers, highlighting its association with this particular sporting event.

Chili is the chosen Super Bowl dish in 16 states, making it the most popular choice in 2021.

In 2021, a statistic shows that chili was the preferred dish for the Super Bowl in 16 states. This means that among all the food options available, chili was selected as the go-to dish for the majority of people in these states. It indicates that chili was the most popular choice among Super Bowl viewers, highlighting its widespread appeal and popularity during this annual sporting event.

11.2 million pounds of chips are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday.

The statistic “11.2 million pounds of chips are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday” represents the amount of chips (crisps) that are estimated to be consumed on the day of the Super Bowl event. This statistic indicates the significant popularity and tradition of enjoying chips as a snack during this annual American football championship game. It serves as an indication of the large-scale consumption and high demand for chips on this specific day, highlighting the cultural aspect of this sporting event and the food choices associated with it.

8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips were consumed during Super Bowl Sunday in 2019.

The statistic ‘8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips were consumed during Super Bowl Sunday in 2019’ indicates the staggering amount of tortilla chips that were eaten on the day of the Super Bowl event in 2019. This data point demonstrates the immense popularity of tortilla chips as a snack choice during this highly anticipated sporting event. It signifies the significant demand for this specific snack that day, highlighting its association with Super Bowl Sunday as a traditional and widely accepted choice during gatherings and parties.

Americans spent $81 million on fresh vegetables for Super Bowl Sunday in 2019.

In 2019, Americans collectively spent a total of $81 million on purchasing fresh vegetables specifically for Super Bowl Sunday. This statistic highlights the significant amount of money that people in the United States were willing to invest in buying vegetables for this annual sporting event. Given the large population and popularity of the Super Bowl, it implies that Americans prioritize incorporating healthy and fresh food choices, such as vegetables, into their Super Bowl celebrations.

83% of fans planned to buy chicken wings for Super Bowl LIV.

The statistic ‘83% of fans planned to buy chicken wings for Super Bowl LIV’ implies that out of all the fans surveyed or examined, 83% stated that they intended to purchase chicken wings for consumption during Super Bowl LIV. This suggests that chicken wings are a popular and sought-after food item for fans watching the game, potentially indicating their preference for being a part of the Super Bowl experience.

Over 2 billion dollars was spent on food for Super Bowl 49.

The statistic “Over 2 billion dollars was spent on food for Super Bowl 49” indicates the staggering amount of money that consumers collectively spent on food-related expenses during the Super Bowl 49 event. This encompasses the purchases made on snacks, drinks, and meals by fans attending the game live, as well as those hosting or participating in Super Bowl parties. This statistic signifies the immense economic impact of Super Bowl in terms of food consumption, reflecting the popularity and significance of the event in American culture.

Domino’s and Pizza Hut sell over 29 million slices of pizza during the Super Bowl.

The statistic “Domino’s and Pizza Hut sell over 29 million slices of pizza during the Super Bowl” indicates that collectively, the two popular pizza chains, Domino’s and Pizza Hut, have a significant impact on the pizza consumption during the Super Bowl. The statistic implies that these two companies sell a substantial quantity of pizza, specifically more than 29 million slices, during the annual sporting event. This highlights the high demand for pizza as a favored food choice for Super Bowl viewers, showcasing the popularity and widespread appeal of Domino’s and Pizza Hut as go-to pizza providers during this time.

The average American consumes 2400 calories during the Super Bowl.

This statistic indicates that, on average, each American consumes around 2400 calories during the Super Bowl. This suggests that the Super Bowl, typically held in late January or early February, is associated with indulgent eating habits among Americans. The 2400 calorie figure encompasses the sum total of all food and beverages consumed during the event, including snacks, drinks, and meals. This statistic serves as a rough estimate, representing the general trend of excessive consumption during this popular sporting event. However, it is important to note that individual caloric intake can vary widely, depending on personal food choices and portion sizes.

Nachos were the most searched Super Bowl food in Arizona in 2020.

The statistic ‘Nachos were the most searched Super Bowl food in Arizona in 2020’ indicates that, among all the Super Bowl-related food items, nachos were the most popular and widely searched for in Arizona during the year 2020. This implies that people in Arizona had a greater interest in nachos as a snack or party food option while watching the Super Bowl compared to any other food item. This statistic suggests the significant demand and preference for nachos among Super Bowl enthusiasts in Arizona during that period.

In 2020, ‘chicken wings’ was the top food-related Google search associated with the Super Bowl in Kentucky.

In 2020, ‘chicken wings’ emerged as the most popular food-related Google search term associated with the Super Bowl in the state of Kentucky. This statistic indicates that among various food options, the people of Kentucky showed the strongest interest in chicken wings when searching for Super Bowl-related information on Google. It suggests that chicken wings were likely a popular choice for food during Super Bowl gatherings and events in Kentucky during that year.

325 million gallons of beer were consumed during the Super Bowl LIII.

The statistic “325 million gallons of beer were consumed during the Super Bowl LIII” indicates the total volume of beer consumed during the annual football championship game. This figure suggests an extremely large amount of beer consumption, highlighting the popularity and significance of the Super Bowl event. It also reflects the social and cultural tradition of watching the game and enjoying alcoholic beverages amongst fans and viewers. The statistic further emphasizes the potential economic impact of the Super Bowl, as the high demand for beer during the event likely leads to increased sales and profits for breweries and retailers.

Americans buy 12.5 million pizzas on Super Bowl Sunday.

The statistic reveals that on Super Bowl Sunday, Americans collectively purchase a staggering 12.5 million pizzas. This highlights the immense popularity of pizza as a go-to food choice during this particular event. It indicates the strong association between Super Bowl viewing and pizza consumption in American culture. This statistic serves as a testament to the significance of the Super Bowl, which not only captivates fans with the sporting event itself but also generates a massive demand for a beloved food item, such as pizza, among spectators across the nation.

Popcorn consumption goes up 45% during Super Bowl.

The statistic “Popcorn consumption goes up 45% during Super Bowl” indicates that there is a significant increase in the consumption of popcorn during the Super Bowl event. Specifically, the amount of popcorn consumed is 45% higher compared to the average consumption during other periods. This statistic suggests that popcorn is a popular snack choice during the Super Bowl, highlighting a strong association between the event and the consumption of this particular food item.

Buffalo Wild Wings sold over 14 million traditional and boneless wings on Super Bowl Sunday 2019.

The statistic “Buffalo Wild Wings sold over 14 million traditional and boneless wings on Super Bowl Sunday 2019” indicates that the popular restaurant chain achieved a significant number of sales on this particular day. Specifically, they were able to sell more than 14 million traditional wings and boneless wings combined. This highlights the popularity and demand for their wings during one of the busiest times for sports events, particularly the Super Bowl. The high sales figure suggests that Buffalo Wild Wings was successful in meeting the appetites and preferences of their customers on this specific occasion.

Hot dogs make up 4% of the total fast food ordered on Super Bowl Sunday.

The statistic “Hot dogs make up 4% of the total fast food ordered on Super Bowl Sunday” indicates that out of all the fast food items purchased on this particular day, hot dogs account for 4% of the total. This means that for every 100 fast food orders placed on Super Bowl Sunday, approximately 4 of them are for hot dogs. This statistic provides insight into the popularity and demand for hot dogs as a food choice during Super Bowl celebrations in comparison to other fast food options.

10% of annual sales for some pizza chains stem from Super Bowl Sunday.

The statistic suggests that for certain pizza chains, 10% of their total sales for the entire year come specifically from Super Bowl Sunday. This means that the chain experiences a significant increase in sales on this particular day compared to the average daily sales throughout the year. Super Bowl Sunday is likely a highly popular and profitable day for these pizza chains, indicating that it is a significant event in their annual revenue generation.

Approximately 70% of NFL fans who watch the Super Bowl at home or at a friend’s house consume at least one snack food during the game.

The statistic suggests that around 70% of NFL fans who choose to watch the Super Bowl either at their own homes or at a friend’s house tend to consume at least one type of snack food while watching the game. This indicates a high prevalence of snacking behavior among this particular group of fans during this specific sporting event. It highlights the common practice of enjoying food while spectating the Super Bowl, which has become a cultural norm and is likely influenced by social gatherings, entertainment, and the extended duration of the game.


In conclusion, the statistics on the most popular Super Bowl foods provide us with valuable insights into our favorite game day snacks. From the data, we can see that pizza is the undisputed winner, capturing the hearts and taste buds of millions of Americans. However, we cannot overlook the consistent popularity of other classics like chicken wings, nachos, and dips.

These statistics not only reflect our love for comforting and indulgent foods during the Super Bowl but also serve as a reminder of the importance of food in bringing people together. Whether we gather with friends and family or celebrate in the company of fellow football fans at sports bars, the Super Bowl is a time when we come together to enjoy delicious food and cheer on our favorite teams.

Additionally, these statistics are a testament to the enduring traditions surrounding the Super Bowl. Year after year, we find comfort in consuming these familiar dishes while watching the game, regardless of who is playing or the outcome of the match. It is through these shared experiences and culinary delights that the Super Bowl becomes more than just a sporting event; it becomes a celebration of community, friendship, and the joy of indulging in good food.

So, as you make your Super Bowl plans, be sure to include these crowd-pleasing favorites. Whether you opt for a cheesy slice of pizza, crispy chicken wings, or a loaded plate of nachos, you can be sure that you are not alone in your food choices. Enjoy the game, savor every bite, and relish in the camaraderie that comes with sharing these beloved Super Bowl foods.


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Statistics About The Most Popular Super Bowl Foods • Gitnux (2024)


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1 In 7 Americans Order Take Out

"But what are people ordering for their Super Bowl watch parties?" is a question you may ask yourself because you're looking to create a game day menu. The three most popular Super Bowl dishes people order are pizza, chicken wings, and chips with dips.

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Snacks consumed = 14,500 tons of chips, 4 million pounds of pretzels, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn, and 2.5 million pounds of nuts, just to name a few. Weird but related stat = Collectively, we will eat 28 million pounds of potato chips during the Super Bowl.

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On average, 53.5 million pounds of guacamole are eaten every Super Bowl Sunday, which is enough to cover a football field more than 20 feet thick.

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1. Dark Leafy Greens. Dark green leafy vegetables (DGLVs) are an excellent source of nutrients including folate, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and fiber.

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Snack foods remain a popular choice for many. Chips and classic game day favorites top the Super Bowl food shopping list with 75% of Super Bowl watchers planning to buy chips, followed by dips / salsa / guacamole (67%), pizza (47%), chicken wings (42%), and nachos (22%), Numerator figures show.

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Super Bowl week ranks #1 in terms of total snack sales for the entire year. The snack data compared buying stats from Super Bowl 2023 to stats from the prior year. Notably, the most significant sales spikes during Super Bowl week were in the categories of corn chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, and potato chips.

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It's probably no surprise that chicken wings are the most popular game day food in NFL cities during football season. There's a 25% increase in orders, on average, on Sundays in season compared to Sundays out of football season.

How many chickens were killed for the Super Bowl? ›

Given that each chicken has two wings, the amount of birds slaughtered just for Sunday's big game is a staggering seven hundred twenty-five million. America slaughters over 9 billion chickens for food each year, meaning almost a tenth of all chickens consumed annually will happen during a few hours.

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#1- Wings. According to the National Chicken Council, 1.45 billion chicken wings are expected to be consumed for Super Bowl Sunday. They're an easy, shareable food item that comes in many different options, such as garlic parmesan, lemon pepper, cajun, and many many more.

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Every year, over 140,000 pounds of surplus Super Bowl food get trashed, so this recovery project is as much about awareness as anything.

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Queso, guacamole, salsa, buffalo chicken dip, hummus - pick your favorites. Buffalo wings: Even though the Bills lost in the Divisional Round, buffalo wings are a must-have at any Super Bowl party. Bone-in or boneless, blue cheese or ranch - it's up to you.

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