All About the myAT&T App | AT&T Community Forums (2024)

To get the myAT&T App for your device:

Download the myAT&T App on your smartphone or tablet.
• Get the myAT&T App from the Microsoft Store.
• Text the word myATT to 556699 from any device and we’ll send you a link so you can download the app.
• Sign in to the app with the same ID and password you use to manage your account on - your AT&T user ID and password.

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1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Under MY WIRELESS BILLS, MY TV BILL or MY INTERNET BILL, select See current and past bills.
3. Choose the bill you want to view.

Learn more about how you can access your bill with the myAT&T App.

1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
3. Enter the amount, date, and payment method.
4. Follow the steps for your payment method.

Note: You can save time when you sign up with hassle-free paperless billing or AutoPay.

1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Under MY WIRELESS USAGE, you'll find your current usage.
3. From here, you can view your current balance info for talk, text, and data use by device.
If you have linked accounts, select MY WIRELESS USAGE and See all my usage.

Learn more about how you can get usage balances in the myAT&T App.

1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
3. Select the device you want to upgrade.
4. Select your new device and review your options.

Learn more about how you can upgrade to new phone or tablet in minutes.

To change your Wireless plan:
1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Under MY WIRELESS PLAN choose Manage your plan name.
3. Select Change your plan name.
4. Review the details and select Change plan.

To change your DIRECTV or U-verse plan:
1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Under MY TV PACKAGE select your plan.
3. Select View or Change your U-verse or DIRECTV Package.
4. Select Digital TV and modify your plan.

To troubleshoot your Wireless device:
1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Select Support, from the bottom menu.
3. Select Wireless, from the top menu options.
4. Choose your area of interest and follow the steps.

To troubleshoot your TV or Internet service:
1. Sign in to the myAT&T App.
2. Select Support, from the bottom menu.
3. Select TV or Internet, from the top menu options.
4. Use our Fix it now diagnostic tool or choose from several other support options.

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If you are running into snags when signing into the myAT&T App, we've got some tips to help you out.

You can now scan your fingerprint recognition to quickly access your account information. Learn how to enable this functionality in the myAT&T App.

Face ID can also give you quick access to your account information for iPhone X only. Find out how to add this feature to the myAT&T App for iPhone X.

If you forgot your AT&T password for signing in, you can easily reset it on the myAT&T App.

If you have forgotten your AT&T Email password, you can also sign in to change, reset, or update your email password in the myAT&T App.

Learn about the myAT&T App and get help signing in from AT&T Support.

You can also learn how to:
Check your OS with Device Support
Troubleshoot the myAT&T App
Find more myAT&T App help.

Get everything you need to manage your AT&T account from the myAT&T App, right at your fingertips.

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Can you place a shed under fiber line that runs from utility pole to house?

I am wanting to relocate my shed in the backyard. Where I want to place it is under the fiber line that runs overhead from the utility pole to my house. Is it ok. To put a shed under a fiber line and is there a minimum distance that needs to be between the top of the roof of the shed and the fiber l





Smart Home Manager app blue screen

I can log into the app, but when it loads it is just a blank blue screen. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app, clearing the cache, and restarting my device. Nothing is working. Help!




my phone turned off and will not turn back on. Battery was not low, bill was paid and spouse has a working phone. charger works fine.

my phone turned off and will not turn back on. Battery was not low, charged works and bill was paid and spouse has a working phone.





Got denied by att fraud??

I just got denied by att fraud to open a new account with two lines I was going to port from google fi, I have an 800+ credit score and just got back stateside after 7 years from serving overseas. I tried opening two new att lines and got denied. Interesting how att treats military.





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All About the myAT&T App | AT&T Community Forums (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.