The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (2024)

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May 23, 2017 | Scary True Stories

The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (1)

If any story proves the adage “truth is stranger than fiction,” it’s this one.

It began in Los Angeles onMarch 10th, 1928. Christine Collins, a manager at a telephone company, sent her nine-year-old son Walter to the movies.

She never saw him again, though the Los Angeles police (LAPD) would have loved to convince her otherwise.

When little Walter didn’t return, Collins was at first convinced her son’s disappearance was an act of retribution against the child’s father, a conman and robber who was servingtime at Folsom State Prison for armed robbery.

Collins’ cries for help didn’t fall on deaf ears. The case received nationwide attention and the LAPD followed up on hundreds of leads…all for naught. Pressure on local law enforcement increased as the public demanded to know why this boy hadn’t been returned to his mother.

A chilling new development

Then, five months after Walter’s disappearance, there was a chilling new development. A boy in Illinois claimed to be Collins’ son. After exchanging letters and photographs, an overjoyed Collins agreed to pay for the child’s train ticket to Los Angeles.

There was only one problem.

When Collins arrived at the happy little reunion the LAPD had arranged, she saw immediately that the boy wasn’t her son. He resembled Walter, but Walter he most definitely was not. And that wasn’t the only thing strange. When the police questioned “Walter” about the kidnapping and how he’d ended up in Illinois, the child’s story didn’t make any sense. Doctors felt the boywas keeping a secret, but they couldn’t coaxit out of him.

The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (2)

“Try the boy out”

It’s terribly sad, but lots of children go missing. What made this storyworthy of a Clint Eastwood movie almost a hundred years later wasLAPD Capt. J.J. Jones’s response. Instead of apologizing to Collins, reimbursing the money she’d spent on the boy’s train ticket, and vowing to find her real son, Jones insisted she “try the boy out,” as if he were a new type of toothpaste rather than a child.

Jones wasinsistent, so Collins struggled to convince herself the strange boy was her son…for THREE weeks. Finally, she’d had enough. This time, she brought Walter’s dental records and an army of friends to the police station with her. Her friends backed her up–they also insisted the child wasn’t Walter Collins.

Rather than back down and admit his mistake, Jones got angry. According to the Los Angeles Times, Jones allegedly accused Collins of shirking her duty as a mother and trying to make fools of the police.

“You are the most cruel-hearted woman I’ve ever known. You are a . . . fool!” he apparently told her. Nice guy, huh?


Not only did Jones refuse to believe Collins’ protests that the boy was not her son, he had the poor woman COMMITTED to a psychiatric ward! But he must have had his own doubts by then, because during the first fivedays she was in the hospital, Jones extracted a startling confessionfrom the changeling. Finally, the child admitted he wasnot Walter Collins. His name was Arthur Hutchins. He was a twelve-year-old runaway who’d pretended to be Walter so he could get a free trip to Hollywood and meet his favourite stars.

Collins was finally released from the hospital TEN days after Hutchins confessed, and she immediately sued Jones and the LAPD. She won, but never saw a penny of the judgement.

So what happened to the real Walter Collins? Sadly, trial testimony showedhe was avictim of Sarah and Gordon Northcott, mother-and-son serial killers who had kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and murdered a number of young boys.

Understandably, Collins was not so convinced. While Gordon confessed to murdering Walter, hekept changing his story. When he couldn’t recall Walter’s eye colour or clothing, or in fact ever meeting the boy, it gave the grieving mother hope her child was still alive.

Collins continued to search for her son until her own death on December 8, 1964.

Have you heard this scary true story before? Why do you think the police were able to get away with such bizarrebehaviour? What do you think happened to Walter Collins?

(Please be sensitive in your comments, keeping in mindthat the Collins or Jones families and friends may readthis post. If you have any information on this case, please contact the LAPD at1-877-527-3247. This tip line is completely anonymous.)

PS…If you like scary true stories you may like this one about the mysterious murders at Dyatlov Passor this one about the truth behind theA Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

PPS…Don’t forget to join my Hidden Library for free books and a new mysterious, eerie, spooky post each week!

Changeling, Christine Collins, David Northcott, mysterious disappearances, Sarah Northcott, scary true stories, suspense author J.H. Moncrieff, The Chicken Coop Murders, unsolved mysteries, Walter Collins

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  1. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (3)

    Barbara In Caneyheadon May 23, 2017 at 2:51 am

    I certainly don’t have any info on the case. So sad how this mother was treated! Makes me wonder if someone higher up on the police department was pulling some strings because they were involved with the bad guys the hubby was associated with. Or maybe Jones sincerely thought they had the right boy, or was being pressured to close the case. No one may ever know.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (4)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 2:05 am

      Interesting theory. Jones was definitely feeling the pressure, but he must have known Christine was telling the truth, since he told her to “try the boy out.”


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (5)

      Susan Ryanon October 13, 2019 at 7:02 am

      I’ve had worse happen to me. There is a whole corruption of children in the US. It’s called CPS who along with the judges cops etc. Get paid to put children from decent homes into abusive foster homes. Get paid to steal babies from hospitals for adoptions. Get money for any bogus case. The let my abusive husband throw me out of my home and destroy my life and my children’s got their paychecks.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (6)

        Jeri Marreroon October 23, 2019 at 6:33 am

        This is horrible! What year and in what state did this happen to you?


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (7)

        Mary Schollon January 7, 2021 at 12:07 pm

        This had nothing to do with CPS or foster children.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (8)

        Jill Jon January 21, 2021 at 5:49 pm

        I feel your pain. It is happening right now and those who don’t have contact with these monsters are ignorant to the reality of the CPS.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (9)

        DJon February 25, 2023 at 2:00 pm

        Walter Collins’s fate will never be known and that the killer succeeded by taking all of his secrets to his grave


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (10)

      Emmaon November 21, 2020 at 3:35 pm

      Heartbreaking that this poor woman had to endure the dismissive police. especially the one who let her down the most, and had her commited, how cruel, RIP to this mother who must have suffered beyond belief. RIP to her son who was never reunited with his mum, and who knows what suffering this poor boy must have endured himself, and missing his mum. How could this story not touch you. So very sad.


  2. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (11)

    Henryon May 23, 2017 at 2:51 am

    I’ve read about this story before. Strange behavior from the police, but I think they convinced themselves that this was her son, but a mother would know. I guess they were too eager to solve the case rather than get the truth. Either way it’s a sad story.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (12)

      Richard kolbeon September 17, 2019 at 7:46 am

      they were accustomed to convincing people that there word was gold. jones figured he could get his way if he kept pushing.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (13)

      Ronon September 6, 2020 at 6:49 pm

      How is that strange? It is still happening till this day. Cops killing/provoking innocent people so they could draw their gun or arrest ppl. Esp white cop on blacks or Hispanics.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (14)

        Sarah elleryon October 4, 2020 at 1:37 pm

        So so sad x


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (15)

      Margaret Upamaon November 29, 2020 at 2:45 pm

      The cops did not think it was the right boy. If you watch the film and read the history the case brought down a notoriously evil and corrupt police force, Chief of Police and Mayor, not to mention the asylum run by actual psychopaths.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (16)

      Pamon November 29, 2023 at 6:59 pm

      Her son Walter was 3″ taller than the child that police gave to her.


  3. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (18)

    Alex J. Cavanaughon May 23, 2017 at 5:17 am

    What a terrible thing for the police to do. That wouldn’t fly in this day and age. I wonder what happened to the changeling?


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (19)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 2:03 am

      Good question, Alex. I’m guessing he was returned to his abusive parents. 🙁


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (20)

        J. Groveron June 5, 2021 at 12:21 pm

        Actually no where that I’ve seen was it mentioned Alex was abused. It’s said he ran away to meet his favorite stars.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (21)

      Roberton June 8, 2019 at 8:49 am

      The United States Government still operates this way today, in the year 2019. When you question authority, whether it be the VA, OWCP or the United States Post Office, they will lie and attempt to ruin your life with falsified and unverified documents, mental assessments etc. They falsify medical records, claim records, and official documents through all three agencies. They work in concert to achieve their goals. They actually delete records that I have in my possession to support their claims. Corruption runs rampant and they know most attorneys in the United States will not fight the battle as the attorneys cannot make any money from the Federal Government. Its real, and it is happening even today.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (22)

        Anneon October 22, 2019 at 6:53 pm

        Like you, I’ve seen these things happen to. Thank you for your post. If other reader’s havn’ t seen these kind of acts for your selves. Count your selves like.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (23)

      Susan Ryanon October 13, 2019 at 7:03 am

      It sure would fly in today’s world. They do worse to families band children.


  4. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (24)

    Kimberly Yerinaon May 23, 2017 at 5:39 am

    I remember reading about this case a while back. Absolutely chilling to think about the things that happen in the world around us that’s NOT fiction!


  5. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (28)

    L. Diane Wolfeon May 23, 2017 at 5:55 am

    The boys don’t even look alike. What a terrible ordeal for that mother.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (29)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 2:01 am

      Pretty sad. I guess there must have been some photos where it was more difficult to tell them apart.


  6. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (30)

    Lisa S.on May 23, 2017 at 7:00 am

    How heartbreaking to think you are going to be reunited with your child, and then it’s not your kid.
    Bizarre reaction from police for sure.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (31)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 2:01 am

      Most definitely! Imagine wanting a case solved so badly you don’t care how it’s solved.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (32)

      Tonia G.on January 16, 2024 at 11:05 pm

      I think although a little late for it the LAPD should pay the money and keeping in mind that is only a mere pittance for payment for something that is basically no amount of money would ever be enough. I think this is a perfect example of how women were treated back then because if a woman tried to speak her mind they would say that she was insane and punished for it a I take my hat off to Christine Collins for her bravery against the small minded men back then. The other thing is why didn’t they mention that the boy was kidnapped by Gordon Northcott and his mother I don’t blame Clint Eastwood probably the owner of the film company no doubt. And yes I believe crap like this happened back then because men would not listen to women in the first place back then ridiculous how men ran everything back then no wonder why stupid crap like this happened back then. So sad she never found him I couldn’t imagine losing one of my children I don’t think I could survive it.


  7. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (33)

    Dave Burnhamon May 23, 2017 at 7:37 am

    So many things in this story leaving you asking “What the heck?” So sad for the mother to be treated in such a cruel manner. I agree with Barbara In Caneyhead in wondering if someone on the PD was pulling strings because they were involved with the bad guys (the Mob, maybe?) the hubby was associated with or had ticked off in Folsom.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (34)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 2:00 am

      That would add a new dimension to this case, for sure.


  8. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (35)

    Mary Aalgaardon May 23, 2017 at 7:40 am

    I can’t imagine a worse pain than not knowing what happened to your child. Grieving every minute of every day, terrified at the thoughts of what happened, and could still be happening to him. Our Minnesota story is about Jacob Wetterling. The family finally got closure this past fall, but certainly not a happy ending. The police were cruel in their treatment of Mrs. Collins. Why did they get away with it? Because of how people treat women, police abuse of power, and who knows, a cover-up?


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (36)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:59 am

      Sorry to hear about Jacob Wetterling. We have a few unsolved cases here where families are still waiting for closure–heartbreaking.

      I think the fact that she was a single mother, and I’m guessing not a wealthy one, had a lot to do with why they were able to get away with it.


  9. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (37)

    susan scotton May 23, 2017 at 8:56 am

    terrible awful story … I wonder how many times this happens.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (38)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:57 am

      Honestly? We probably don’t want to know.


  10. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (39)

    Madeline Mora-Summonteon May 23, 2017 at 9:53 am

    Such a sad story, for many reasons.

    I haven’t seen the Eastwood movie, but I’ve seen versions of this type of occurrence on various TV shows.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (40)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:56 am

      I wouldn’t be surprised if other shows were made based on this case. It’s just too bizarre not to be used for fiction.


  11. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (41)

    Catherine Cavendishon May 23, 2017 at 11:21 am

    I haven’t heard this story before. Sadly, this kind of cruel behaviour towards anyone who dared to question the authorities – even with overwhelming evidence on their side – isn’t unique for the times she lived in, and probably not just those times either. How tragic she went to her grave never knowing what had really happened.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (42)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:55 am

      It is a great tragedy. At least in this case they didn’t treat her like a murderer. I’ve seen that happen in too many missing child cases.


  12. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (43)

    Birgiton May 23, 2017 at 11:25 am

    I know the film and own the DVD. This case, in many ways, is a sign of the times. She was a single mother in the 1920’s which was looked down upon and the average male especially in some sort of law enforcement would treat her as an “hysterical woman”. The cop had a lot of weight and tried to make the poor lady a “nut” since their police force could not find out the truth. We have seen this in other cases when the police can’t find out anything so they try to downgrade the family. I do believe the boy was murdered by that mother/son team. The man had little regard for human beings so he would not remember details and would mix up which boy had blue eyes and which one had brown….those 2 had no regard for human life. Truly sad and I feel for the mother and all the people still living who are haunted by this case.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (44)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:55 am

      Well said, Birgit. That adds a lot of perspective to the story…thanks!


  13. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (45)

    Lexa Cainon May 23, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    I’ve heard a lot of bad stories about the LAPD, but this is one of the most egregious. I’d heard of this one, but really didn’t know the details. Poor Mrs. Collins was treated so badly. I’m glad she had friends to stand by her and that she was eventually let out of the institution.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (46)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:52 am

      Me too, Lexa. That must have been absolutely terrifying.


  14. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (47)

    Nanon May 23, 2017 at 2:04 pm

    Birgit said much of what I think. Also, any law enforcement agencies could not afford to be perceived as being in the wrong or incompetent. The fear of a “breakdown in society” was strong and the people’s trust in law and the keepers of it was required.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (48)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:51 am

      Sad but true. Welcome to my blog, Nan! Hope to see you back here again.


  15. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (49)

    Chrys Feyon May 23, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    I have heard of this story and it’s just so appalling. What Jones did, what the child did, and of course want the murderers of Jones’ real son did.


  16. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (50)

    Liesbeton May 23, 2017 at 3:20 pm

    That is a very strange and intriguing story indeed! I am overcome by a feeling of helplessness when I read accounts like these. The fact that the mom knew it wasn’t her son, but was not believed and that she never found out what happened to him. Terrible.

    I know quite a few people and circ*mstances in which the child has passed way before the mother and it is not something I wish upon anyone. It is one reason why I am happy not to have children…


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (51)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:50 am

      As horrible as that is, and it is one of the worst things that could happen to a person, I imagine it’s even worse when you don’t know what happened to your child, or if they’re alive or dead. There’s no closure.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (52)

        Jillon August 22, 2019 at 10:35 pm

        She never really found out. She looked for her son until her death.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (53)

        Lorion June 8, 2020 at 10:29 am

        The way Mrs. Collins was treated was a perfect example of gaslighting.
        If you don’t believe it still happens, and often, just go to the doctor with a complaint of something that they aren’t familiar with and you’ll be told it’s “all in your head”, especially if you are a woman.
        I have a friend who is a doctor and was trained in the 1950’s and they were taught that most women were, or could easily be, hysterical. And to just placate them until they calmed down. This was not true for male patients, they were to be taken seriously because they were not prone to hysteria.
        I’m not making that up.
        And a lot of the doctors from that era are training the doctors today.


  17. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (55)

    Chrys Feyon May 23, 2017 at 3:20 pm

    Oops. I made a boo-boo. That’s what I get for hitting send too soon. I meant Collins’ real son. Obviously. lol


  18. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (56)

    Shannon Lawrenceon May 23, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    Well, you know, female hysteria was such a huge issue. He was just watching over her. Sarcasm aside, this has always been a sad, scary story. I was reading an article recently on there being a racket of claiming to be a long missing child in order to get money, college paid for, etc. What a terrible thing to exploit.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (57)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:49 am

      Most definitely. I wonder if there were moments she even wished he were Walter, just so she’d have her son back and not have to be devastated any longer. That poor woman!


  19. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (58)

    CD Gallant-Kingon May 24, 2017 at 8:43 am

    Sadly I wouldn’t be surprised if stuff like this happened today in some cities. The police in a lot of places are still bullies and refuse to accept if/when they make a mistake, making difficult times for innocent people even more challenging. It’s a weird case, for sure, but I’m sure you could find others that are equally, head-slappingly frustrating.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (59)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:47 am

      I’ll make a point of it. 😉


  20. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (60)

    Ryan Cartyon May 24, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    What a heartbreaking story. I can’t imagine being that poor mother, consumed by the loss and then deceived again and again. As a parent, my heart breaks at the thought.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (61)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:46 am

      Yes, when I was researching and writing this one, I focused on how cruel the police were, but the little boy was actually quite awful as well, though I’m sure he didn’t understand the consequences of his actions.


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (62)

        Eira Ballingallon July 2, 2022 at 10:27 pm

        Did Arthur Hutchins, pretending to be Walter Collins have parents or was he an orphan? Either way, how on earth was he able at the age of 9, able to pose as someone else’s son, from another state, without a responsible adult being aware? For letters and photos to be exchanged, another adult must have been involved. What happened to Arthur Hutchins after he confessed? Who was he returned to?


        • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (63)

          Eira Ballingallon July 2, 2022 at 11:30 pm

          Since my comment, I have learned that Arthur Hutchins Jr. (also known by his alias -Billy Fields) had run away from home at the age of 12. Firstly to get away from his Step Mother and secondly to evade the police, whom he had to report to on a weekly basis for stealing. He had realised that he bore some resemblance to Walter Collins, so wanting to escape his situation and an opportunity to visit California, he walked into an Illinois Police Station and claimed to be the missing Walter.
          It is difficult to understand that children probably matured younger back in the early 1900s, as with children today who have to fend for themselves from an early age. Billy, AKA Arthur was sent to an Iowa boys school for rehabilitation and as an adult sold concessions at Carnivals before moving to California to become a horse trainer.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (64)

      J.Groveron June 5, 2021 at 12:26 pm

      I think part of the reason the authorities were trying so hard to have Mrs Collins accept the boy as her own was they had such a negative reputation this would be something to make them look good


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (65)

        Eira Ballingallon July 2, 2022 at 11:36 pm

        It seems this case threw a spotlight on the incompetence and corruption of the LAPD, especially as it gained so much national publicity, that most certainly the police wanted to shut it down ASAP.
        Jones for his part, was suspended for just a few months.


  21. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (66)

    Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephineon May 25, 2017 at 8:58 am

    That is a strange tale. It’s sad they have yet to find Walter, and after all this time, I’m doubtful this case will ever get solved.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (67)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:45 am

      Sad but true, Patricia. I have my doubts as well.


  22. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (68)

    C. Lee McKenzieon May 25, 2017 at 9:15 am

    I can’t imagine what that woman experienced. Having children of my own I know she suffered terribly and to have no support from the authorities must have been her greatest frustration.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (69)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:44 am

      It had to have been absolutely horrible to not be believed about something as simple as whether a child is yours or not.


  23. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (70)

    Random Musingson May 25, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    It’s terrible that the police tried to insist the other boy was her son. Aside from the potential damage done to her, what about the other mother who would have been frantically searching for her own missing son! It makes me wonder what the police where covering up!


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (71)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:43 am

      Oh, that I can answer. The changeling had ran away from an abusive situation where his own mother was neglectful. As far as I can recall from my research, she wasn’t looking for him.


  24. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (72)

    Mishaon May 26, 2017 at 4:57 am

    I know about the story from watching the movie. It was horrifying that the LAPD could treat someone like that.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (73)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:39 am

      Very much so. Unbelievable this was allowed to happen.


  25. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (74)

    Toi Thomason May 26, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    As horrible as this may sound, I have a cousin who’s married to a police officer and even he admits that the police are not always the best people to solve a mystery; everyday crimes, yes, but something like this is different. In this day and age, being a detective does require more training than the average beat cop, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if something like this happened today, especially now that kids are being taught how to steal identities by watching tv. And as for the behavior of the police, go visit a small town, it hasn’t changed that much. With that said, I do feel that most modern day detectives wouldn’t have been that insensitive nor would have been so willing to close a case as to try and commit the mother. This is truly a sad story.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (75)

      JHon May 30, 2017 at 1:38 am

      It doesn’t sound horrible at all, Toi. We don’t expect a family physician to perform brain surgery–why would a beat cop know how to investigate a murder? I just wish police departments were better at accepting outside help and support when they encounter a situation that’s beyond their experience and manpower. So often it’s the families of the victim who end up paying the price.


  26. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (76)

    Tamara Narayanon June 1, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    I can’t believe the police did that: try to make a woman accept a child that wasn’t hers and put her in an asylum? How bizarre!


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (77)

      JHon June 4, 2017 at 9:51 pm

      It is extremely bizarre, but I swear it’s true!


  27. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (78)

    Mariahon August 14, 2017 at 12:49 am

    Not at all unusual or bizarre for the times . Mrs. Collins had nothing to lose by standing up publicly. She would have been as vocal and strong regardless of circ*mstances because she was a strong,intelligent lady. Too many suffered in silence privately from fear for their safety and that of their loved ones. History! It was common knowledge across America that ,” You can’t fight city hall.” It was easy to have anybody committed for any reason at all. The point was to get rid of someone you just didn’t want around. Or , as in the Collins case, get her out of the public eye and shut her up. Greatly improved police training , improved laws and superior technology make it hard for most people today to comprehend such a situation as Mrs.Collins’ was. Remember the incredible number of boys’ remains found on that farm , many of whom couldn’t be identified. It’s Mrs. Collins who was responsible for calling to light the horrendous state of affairs with law enforcement that led to recovery of at least two children and answers for other parents as to what became of their children. Many didn’t know what to do to find their children. Others were bullied into silence. Today, we still don’t have unfailing justice from the law, but it’s a great comfort to realize that , in general , people can’t imagine the situation and treatment of those times when all that mattered was finding a missing child in spite of the opposition from those who were supposed to be helping.


  28. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (79)

    Rhonaon February 11, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    What about the bones of the kids?


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (80)

      Pat Kaufmanon January 12, 2020 at 8:09 pm

      Today forensics is superior to the 20’s when I doubt there was nothing more than dental records


  29. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (81)

    Sharion March 4, 2018 at 5:29 am

    Can you imagine how painful and awkward it must have been for Mrs. Collins having a boy for 3 weeks that she knew wasn’t her son and trying to find a common ground with him. Obviously, she couldn’t unjust ignore the boy and she must have been very concerned that his parents would be terribly worried about their son. I read a similar case where a young man pretended to be a long lost son and all the pain the people went through while trying to convince themselves he was the grown up version of their son. His eyes weren’t even the same colour!
    Anyway, they did finally find out the truth. As it turned out, the young man had often done this pretense before. What STRANGE things happen in this world!


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (82)

      JHon March 14, 2018 at 12:21 am

      Most definitely, Shari. I feel for those poor parents.


  30. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (83)

    Marieon May 17, 2018 at 8:37 am

    Heart breaking, as a mother just horrible❤️


  31. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (84)

    DJon August 24, 2018 at 8:35 am

    It’s been over a year since this post began but reading about this story brings other circ*mstances to my mind about the sad and horrible treatment of women in the past. I know of several cases from that time period when women who were temporarily depressed or distraught due to the death of a loved one or other traumatic event were institionalized and treated for mental disorders with massive amounts of drugs and shock treatment because family members and authorities didn’t know what to do with them. Women had few rights and little ability to fight the situation. They were labeled “crazy” and some lived the rest of their lives out in these places.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (85)

      Lizon April 3, 2019 at 11:54 am

      Yes that’s what shocked me. The ability to overpower someone because they are female and call it hysteria, whether it is truth or depression. I find this the most uncomfortable thought. It reminds me of a short story I read a long time ago I think it was called a “room with a view”. I cannot even imagine, someone telling you your insane when you simply are not, but the more your protest the more you appear to be but if you don’t protest that’s because you are insane! The sheer manipulation and power is terrifying.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (86)

      Rainy Rodriguezon March 5, 2021 at 9:18 pm

      Watch the series Lore on Amazon Prime. True stories it says. That’s where I found out about changing and the one before that was a crazy doctor doing shock treatments and labotamies probably spelt that wrong. Crazy sick weird world we live in.


  32. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (87)

    Charleson September 9, 2018 at 1:01 am

    I am reading these comments perhaps years after those who have already commented on this board, especially given that the movie was released in 2009 and I am just seeing it in 2018 for the first time. I am struck by the fact that many of you describe the behavior of the police, most particularly that of police Capt JJ Jones, as “bizarre” or “strange”. The behavior is quite a bit more than that… it is downright evil and criminal. Why can’t you people bring yourselves to state that? It’s almost as though you’re making excuses for the time, a kind of moral relativism. You likely “Lottery” onlookers alarm me almost as much as the police of the era. Good God call it for what it is-EVIL!!!


  33. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (88)

    Andreaon September 19, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    Charles, I agree that it was pure evil, what the police did to Christine Collins.
    I don’t think however that anybody on this board was trying to make excuses for it, they just couldn’t comprehend why trusted authorities would do what they did.
    It is disheartening, after all, to think that not only would the police be so incompetent, but that they turned on her like that — for what reason, to save themselves some embarrassment?
    Yes, that’s criminal.


  34. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (89)

    Dave Ton September 23, 2018 at 11:12 am

    Sorry that I had never heard of this story. Being retired from law enforcement and knowing how politics plays into that line of work this horrible story still shocks me beyond words. Happening so long ago I hope that no law enforcement officer or agency would let in any way, even slightly, something so cruel as this happen today, politically,morally,ethically or just plain evil. Of course technology today would prevent this but it still makes me sick to know that anyone or anything ever could have been so heartless and cruel no matter what the times, past present or future. Poor woman and poor little murdered boy. All involved in any way have answered or will answer for this tragedy.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (90)

      JHon October 3, 2018 at 8:47 am

      Thanks for your insightful comment, Dave, and for your years of service.


  35. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (91)

    Tonya McCommason September 27, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    Them days it was safe to keep your door unlocked or most children alone and everything was safe.
    Single moms had no choice.
    To think what those boys went thru on that farm is disgusting.
    The police not believing the own mother is a disgrace, but back then women didn’t have a voice, what a crime.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (92)

      JHon October 3, 2018 at 8:46 am

      Sometimes I’m afraid we don’t have much of a voice now. 🙁


      • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (93)

        Lizon April 3, 2019 at 11:58 am

        Scary isn’t it? I have a 10 year old son who has a great passion for the child’s voice. He is extremely intelligent in a philosophical thoughtful way, and he gets justly cross that children are not heard- or given a voice. Adults have conversations over and about them. It’s an interesting point- one I’m still mulling over.


  36. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (94)

    Alison Jean Steelon September 30, 2018 at 6:58 am

    This story is one like those suffering from post-partum depression, and such, who were admitted to the Allan Memorial Institute, Montreal, Quebec in the early 1950’s, and were treated by Dr. Ewen Cameron, (supposed world re-noun physciatrist). All victims were part of a CIA experiment in conjunction with the Canadian Government. These patients were given large doses of LSD, put into insulin induced comas for weeks/months at a time, given Paige Russel electro shocks, and were subjected to having to listen to pre-recorded tapes playing very loud and endlessly with headphones to the patients ears while strapped down. UNBELIEVABLE – One of these patients was my Mother!


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (95)

      JHon October 3, 2018 at 8:46 am

      Yikes, that’s absolutely horrible, Alison. I’m so sorry to hear about your mother.

      We’ve made some strides in this area, but we still have a long way to go. Look at how Andrea Yates was treated. She needed a hospital, not a prison cell.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (96)

      Pat Kaufmanon January 12, 2020 at 8:13 pm

      I’m sorry that was evil for her


  37. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (97)

    Kathrynon October 5, 2018 at 6:50 pm

    How incredibly horrible. The LAPD was apparently corrupt and eager to improve their image by shoving an orphan on the poor mother. This is beyond abhorrent.


  38. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (98)

    Ms. B.on October 18, 2018 at 2:23 pm

    I wonder if the LAPD back in that era received bonuses for closing cases; or maybe Jones was under pressure to improve the number of closed cases…???? Whatever his reasoning’s were, HE was, in fact, the heartless one. “Try the boy out!” Geez! But to go to the point of having the mother committed for not ‘settling for the next best thing’! If this mother has any descendants, they should sue the LAPD for the court awarded amount the mother never received from her lawsuit; WITH INTEREST AND PENALTIES!!!! How dare they be so dismissive of a mother’s love for, and grief over losing her beloved son…how dare they!


  39. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (99)

    Ms. B.on October 18, 2018 at 2:36 pm

    This may be a “MAN’S WORLD” but women are the glue that holds it all together. They are the center of the family; women know things. God told Abraham to, “Listen to your wife’s voice for she is a SHARER in the inheritance that I am giving you.”

    In God’s eyes, women have real worth and value as HIS children; too bad men are blind.


  40. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (100)

    Kerri Marie Gibsonon November 25, 2018 at 4:50 pm

    I am sorry for the pain the family has gone through. It’s so sad. I have two boys and can’t imagine the strength it took to survive and fight this.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (101)

      JHon November 27, 2018 at 5:59 pm

      It is a heartbreaking story. Thanks for commenting.


  41. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (102)

    Camilaon December 7, 2018 at 10:07 pm

    I just saw the movie and omg I was crying the hole time, I just can imagine how can de police just wanted to closed the case that easy when the mother absolutely knew it wasn’t her child, obviously tge mother would know if it was her kid or not. Is it any updates in the case now?


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (103)

      JHon December 12, 2018 at 12:53 am

      I don’t think there ever will be, since this case is so old.


  42. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (104)

    Robert anthonyon March 5, 2019 at 11:43 pm

    I know I’m late for this but I just watched movie bcuz I work literally down the street from the wineville house where this happened. No one ever knows if the real Walter lived or not and that is sad. I don’t know what I would do if this happened to me. I am going to drive by the house on what is now on a street named “wineville”


  43. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (105)

    MeJustmeon September 27, 2019 at 5:58 am

    I believe Jones was either in on it, or was tied to someone who was in on it. Why would a police officer say, “try the boy out” Have the Mother Committed when she brought in dental records and multiple Neighbors, all claiming this isn’t Walter. Even the kid confessed. I believe Jones had everything to do with it. I wonder if the Family will ever see the Money the mother was awarded from the Police Department. It’s worth following up on. The convict was clearly taking the blame. Killers can tell you details on everything. So it was not Gordon and Sarah for sure.


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (106)

      MeJustmeon September 27, 2019 at 6:35 am

      Also wish to add. No one ever said the boy, (Walter) was murdered. He was just “missing” (up to 4 months, by time Mother was Institutionalized by Jones himself) I do believe in that, there lays the answer to the puzzle. I’m sure there were more than One Police Officer in town, even in 1925! What a horrific story. She never found him, how sad. I wonder, I believe it was Jones doing, to this Poor Single Mother, who’s hubby is in Folsom Prison, Leaving Mother and 9 year old boy, alone. If not for the Mother, no one would know the boy vanished. Let’s discuss that. No one simply vanishes, especially when your 9!


  44. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (107)

    John O’Dellon October 10, 2019 at 12:24 am

    I just watched the movie for the first time. It was heartbreaking and infuriating. As a parent who was raised by a single mother I can only imagine the horror of it all. My heart goes out to the Collins family.


  45. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (108)

    Xanthappeon May 27, 2021 at 7:32 pm

    they got away with it simply because she was a woman, (single woman too) who were and still are to some extent written off as hysterical (dictionary definition = their womb is running around their body looking for a child causing emotional outbreaks) if it was the boys father then the apology and reimbursem*nt wouyld have happened, rather than the insane asylum its so sad! im not man bashing this was the culture of the day and one day i hope people will look back and say how did people get away with doing that? about today too


    • The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (109)

      Jean Milleron September 14, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Ijust watched the movie and I haven’t done any digging and maybe someone else already asked, but how many bodies did they find and did they compare his dental records (if that was portrayed as real life) to what they found? It’s infuriating that we live in a world where this still goes on and so sad for the parents without closure.


  46. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (110)

    shivaon November 23, 2021 at 4:01 pm

    if we cant believe the LAPD when they they said that was her child(it wasnt) how can we possibly believe the story about the murder


  47. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (111)

    Eira Ballingallon July 2, 2022 at 11:39 pm

    It seems this case threw a spotlight on the incompetence and corruption of the LAPD, especially as it gained so much national publicity, that most certainly the police wanted to shut it down ASAP.
    Jones for his part, was suspended for just a few months.


  48. The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (112)

    Eira Ballingallon July 3, 2022 at 12:11 am

    I’m viewing this for the first time in 2022 and I think it is difficult to understand how times and perceptions have changed from 1928. In 1929 there was the Wall Street crash. There are photos of children sat on doorsteps with signs around their necks saying “For Sale”. Others have commented on women having few rights and it’s true, women were, and in many cultures still are, second class citizens. There was the mob who practically owned the police. The fact that Jones was never made to pay Christine Collins and was only suspended for a few weeks (presumably until all the fuss died down) speaks volumes for the attitude of the day.
    The only bizarre thing about this case, is that Christine was forced to accept a 12 year old Arthur J Hutchins Jr. as her son.
    Women at the time were placed into mental institutes for being pregnant outside of marriage, so it comes as little surprise that Christine should be committed for hysteria. Is much known about JJ Jones? Was he being got at by the mob, or just under pressure from public scrutiny, given the high profile of the case?


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The bizarre true story behind the 'Changeling' - J.H. Moncrieff (2024)
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