Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (2024)

In Chicago Bears

…division titles and their only Super Bowl (1985). Led by head coach Mike Ditka, a larger-than-life personality who had starred as a tight end for the Bears of the 1960s, and iconoclastic quarterback Jim McMahon (the “punky QB”), the 1985 Bears team was especially noteworthy for its overpowering defense that—after…

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  • Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (1)

    In Mike Ditka

    …a score of 46–10 in Super Bowl XX. Ditka thus became one of only two men to experience Super Bowl wins as a player, as an assistant coach, and as a head coach. In both 1985 and 1988 Ditka was voted the NFL Coach of the Year.

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  • New England Patriots

    • Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (2)

      In New England Patriots

      They advanced to their first Super Bowl in 1986 but lost to a dominant Chicago Bears team, 46–10. Businessman Robert Kraft acquired the Patriots in 1994, paying \\$172 million, the highest price for an NFL team up to that time. New England did not return to the Super Bowl until…

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    9 Things You Might Not Know About Adolf Hitler

    9 of the World’s Deadliest Spiders

    The Time Julius Caesar Was Captured by Pirates

    Celebrating Ramadan

    How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, and Lunar Eclipses?

    What Is a Cashless Society and How Does It Work?

    What Causes Lunar and Solar Eclipses?

    football [1986]

    Learn about this topic in these articles:

    Chicago Bears

    • Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (10)

      In Chicago Bears

      …division titles and their only Super Bowl (1985). Led by head coach Mike Ditka, a larger-than-life personality who had starred as a tight end for the Bears of the 1960s, and iconoclastic quarterback Jim McMahon (the “punky QB”), the 1985 Bears team was especially noteworthy for its overpowering defense that—after…

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    • Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (11)

      In Mike Ditka

      …a score of 46–10 in Super Bowl XX. Ditka thus became one of only two men to experience Super Bowl wins as a player, as an assistant coach, and as a head coach. In both 1985 and 1988 Ditka was voted the NFL Coach of the Year.

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    New England Patriots

    • Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (12)

      In New England Patriots

      They advanced to their first Super Bowl in 1986 but lost to a dominant Chicago Bears team, 46–10. Businessman Robert Kraft acquired the Patriots in 1994, paying \$172 million, the highest price for an NFL team up to that time. New England did not return to the Super Bowl until…

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    Super Bowl XX | football [1986] (2024)
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    Author: Ray Christiansen

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    Author information

    Name: Ray Christiansen

    Birthday: 1998-05-04

    Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

    Phone: +337636892828

    Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

    Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

    Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.