It Was Radically Simple But Huge — I Started Eating 3 Meals A Day (2024)

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It seems odd to think that something as seemingly obvious as eating three meals a day could radically change your life. But if you're someone who has spent years fighting daily with disordered eating practices, the idea has probably already triggered some sort of response within you.

You see, for years my hours, days, and weeks were organized around controlling my food, my exercise, and my body weight and shape.

These practices removed me mentally, emotionally, and physically from engaging and being present in day-to-day life. Days were organized around what I could eat, what I couldn’t eat, where I could eat, where I could buy the foods I could eat, when I needed to exercise, and where I could exercise.

Evening plans with friends were routinely turned down to allow for my nightly date with the gym treadmill. Eating out became a stressful and unpleasant social activity and required desperately scouring the menu for the safest food option available. Friends would dive into the all-you-can-eat sushi menu while I feasted on my side dish of pickled ginger.

There's so much freedom and joy in being able to eat all those fear foods again.

Eating disorders strip away all aspects of normal daily living, transforming each passing day into an internalized battle — one in which each calorie and stair climbed is tracked, numbers dancing wildly in the mind.

The deeper into this world you enter, the more you leave behind reality and physical and emotional presence in the "real" world.

Before recovery, my life was dictated by where, when, how, and what I could or couldn’t eat. Finally surrendering to eating three meals a day, every day, was both the scariest and most freeing step I had to take toward getting back a life worth living.

It took a long time to get where I am today, but here's what I can share about eating three healthy, balanced, normal-sized meals a day:


There's so much freedom and joy in being able to eat all those "fear" foods again — like cheese, bread, eggs, avocados, dessert, and even certain fruits — that I was so afraid of, when they are contained within a healthy, loving meal.


I have so much more headspace and time created by letting go of counting, weighing, and tracking numbers.


Eating out is pleasurable and enjoyable, not a one-off occurrence followed by a week of starvation.


I rarely think about food between meals and am able to fully engage and participate in life.


I can eat with friends and family and be more interested in the people and the conversation than the food.


I fully enjoy the hours between meals because my body knows it will be nourished properly at regular times throughout the day.


I am finally pursuing the activities I am passionate about because I have the energy, time, and space to explore them.

My body is a lot wiser than I am.

Although there have been many elements involved in my recovery from my eating disorder, eating three proper meals a day (and snacks when needed) has brought a huge amount of freedom into my life.

I don’t have to fight through the day on willpower, or spend all afternoon making trips to the fridge. I don’t have to become weak from low blood sugar only to devour half the kitchen cupboard later on.

There are definitely moments I struggle — days I don’t want to eat or meals I feel I will never be able to stop eating; times when I eat consecutive snacks or seek out food to alleviate feelings of boredom, anxiety, stress, or fatigue.

I have to forgive myself for these times and constantly remind myself that my body is not my enemy. I've spent years treating it as a loathsome thing to be conquered and mercilessly torn apart.

My body is a lot wiser than I am and more complex than my mind will ever fully grasp. This is a daily reminder because my default mode is to criticize and condemn my body.

But just as it took time for me to surrender to eating normal-sized, balanced meals, I trust that the journey of self-love and self-acceptance is happening in its own time as well.

One day at a time, I eat my meals graciously with the knowledge that doing so has given me more of a life than "thin" ever did.

It Was Radically Simple But Huge — I Started Eating 3 Meals A Day (2024)


What happens when you start eating 3 meals a day? ›

Lessens overeating: When you skip lunch because you're busy at work, you might find yourself overindulging at dinner. By eating consistently three times daily, it's easier to avoid consuming too many calories, which could lead to weight gain. Supplementing light meals with nutritious snacks also helps.

How much weight will I lose if I eat 3 meals a day? ›

There is literally no difference. Multiple studies have compared eating many smaller versus fewer larger meals and concluded that there is no significant effect on either metabolic rate or the total amount of fat lost ( 1 , 2 ).

Is 3 big meals a day too much? ›

In one sense, it all comes down to math: The average adult human requires 2,000 calories per day, and you're only awake for so many hours. "Across all peer-reviewed research and health practices, three meals a day is a general recommendation to encourage consistent, adequate energy intake," Miluk said.

Will I gain weight if I eat three meals a day? ›

If you are looking to gain weight, it is important to consume more calories than your body burns. The number of meals you consume is not as important as the number of calories you consume. It is possible to gain weight with just three meals a day as long as you are consuming more calories than you are burning.

How many times should I eat a day to lose belly fat? ›

Authors Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, claim that in 32 days, you can lose up to 15 pounds and drop belly fat by following their plan: Eat 400 calories per meal, four times per day (daily total: 1,600). Don't go longer than 4 hours without eating.

How many meals a day did ancient humans eat? ›

That's because fasting actually changes how your body gets its energy. Looking back through history, breakfast was not a common meal for most people. Our ancestors typically ate one substantial meal each day, supplemented with nuts and fruits as snacks.

What time should you stop eating to lose belly fat? ›

There's no set time you should stop eating to lose belly fat, but, as a guideline, you should avoid eating two to three hours before bed to stop it from disrupting your sleep and body clocks, which can cause belly fat gain. Studies show early dinners can help people lose weight.

Can I eat big portions and still lose weight? ›

People hear low-calorie and immediately think, “eat less food”. Now while that can be true, it doesn't have to be true. You can certainly eat larger portions of foods and still lose weight and fat. You'll just have to make different food choices and "eat for volume".

What is the best eating schedule for weight loss? ›

1: Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day. Make lunch mid-size and dinner the smallest. 2: Eat dinner four hours before bedtime, rather than right before bedtime. 3: Eat lunch earlier, and always before 3 p.m.

How many meals a day is healthiest? ›

Therefore, the intake of two (or three) meals per day is perhaps the best option, and the difference between two or three could depend on the length of the daily fasting period they produce.

Is it better to eat 3 big meals a day or 6 small meals? ›

As a result, many experts advise against eating fewer, larger meals a day. Over the years, some studies have supported these findings, suggesting that people who report eating small, frequent meals have better cholesterol levels than those who consume fewer than three meals per day.

Is it better to eat big meals or snacks? ›

Eat small meals often and your metabolism will increase by small amounts after each one, but feast once or twice a day and it will go into high gear after each meal, meaning that the effect balances out overall. On the flipside, there is no evidence to suggest that eating frequently is bad for health in and of itself.

When did people start eating 3 meals a day? ›

It was in the 17th Century that the working lunch started, where men with aspirations would network. The middle and lower classes eating patterns were also defined by their working hours. By the late 18th Century most people were eating three meals a day in towns and cities.

Do all cultures have 3 meals a day? ›

Most cultures in the world eat about every six hours with three main meals that correspond to breakfast, lunch and dinner – varying in how abudant each meal is.

What is the ideal gap between meals? ›

If your schedule varies every day, have healthy snacks on hand for times when a meal needs to wait. Bring a cooler in the car or store food in the refrigerator at work. If you work the afternoon shift or overnight shift, the same eating routine rules apply — eat your meals between four and five hours apart.

What happens to your body when you don't eat 3 meals a day? ›

Skipping meals: Causes the body to lower its metabolism (how much energy it needs to function) Causes us to burn less energy (fewer calories) Can lead us to gain weight when we eat our usual amount of food Leaves us with little energy because the body has run out of the fuel we get from food Leaves us sluggish and ...

At what age do you do 3 meals a day? ›

Feeding at 7 to 9 months

Your baby will gradually move towards eating 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea). Offering a wide variety of different foods is important to ensure they get enough energy and nutrients (such as iron).

When should you start 3 meals a day? ›

Feeding your baby: from 7 to 9 months

From about 7 months, your baby will gradually move towards eating 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea), in addition to their usual milk feeds, which may be around 4 a day (for example, on waking, after lunch, after tea and before bed).

How many meals should I eat in a day to lose weight? ›

While dietary guidelines typically recommend that you eat at least three meals and one snack a day, some people are more successful with weight loss if they eat smaller, more frequent meals. A six-meal-a-day plan may help you to better manage hunger and maintain energy levels.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.