FAQs (2024)

General Questions
How is your elderberry syrup different from the kind I buy at the grocery store?
Our elderberry syrup is a true, pure, organic elderberry syrup made with a true local raw honey. Our syrup also contains 8 powerful and beneficial ingredients.

The syrup you find on store shelves in big box stores are only labeled a “syrup” because the first and largest ingredient used is a vegetable glycerin or glucose corn syrup – both are thickeners and sweeteners. You are essentially purchasing a highly processed, “hot poured” product that is often made up of dye, high amounts of fructose corn syrup and a small amount of elderberry extract. Hot pouring heats to a high heat and is poured in the jar/bottle – essentially canning the product for preservation, but ultimately taking away from the benefits offered. Alternatively, throughout our making process, the liquid is cooled below 90 degrees before adding the honey. Cooling is important as it preserves the live and beneficial enzymes in the honey.

Store bought syrup is typically $3-$4 an ounce while our syrup is approximately $2 an ounce. Our syrup is of a much higher quality and concentrate. We use real, organic ingredients and make our syrup in small batches by hand. It is never preserved and always fresh

How is your elderberry syrup different from others?
Compared to other refrigerated elderberry syrups, most people find that our syrup offers better taste, quality and ingredients. Our taste is quite delicious! You don’t experience the sting of clove, it is not bitter or hard to swallow. It is quite sweet with notes of cinnamon and has a slight floral taste.

We include 8 beneficial ingredients in our syrup, in large amounts. We pride ourselves in quality and integrity which means we use an ample amount of spices, herbs and honey. We use a true local raw honey and a lot of it at that – roughly 1/4 of your jar. It is our most expensive ingredient, next to the elderberries.

That being said, our elderberry syrup is highly concentrated, is thick (not thin or watered down), contains a nice thick layer of sediment (the good stuff!) on the bottom and has a phenomenal taste.

We also own our own facility and equipment. The owner, Brooke, who created the recipe oversees production and tastes every batch of syrup. Alternatively, others rent commercial kitchens (or worse, make out of their homes) where there is a risk of cross contamination and introduction to food allergens. If a syrup maker does not rent space in a kitchen, they often have a co-packer produce their syrup. This means they are usually not involved in the process nor are they allowed in the kitchen while the process is underway.

Do you use a co-packer to create your syrup?
No! Brooke, (the owner) never wants to step out of production for our products. Our small team pours a lot of love into each jar. It is truly hand processed and made every step of the way.

There are many routes a food producer can choose, and most do choose to use a co-packer. It allows a large volume of product to be produced and gives the business owner time to work on the business side of things and to expand rapidly, we get it. However, we have always said that we want to be involved in our products and want to be able to oversee production.

We could choose to expand the business and grow, go the co-packer route and ultimately hot pour the product, which renders a much lower quality product, but doing so compromises the quality and integrity of the product. Quality of the product is the MOST important thing to us, therefore we choose to stay around the Piedmont region of North Carolina and offer shipping across the US.

Owning our own kitchen and overseeing production allows us to infuse our passion and love into the product, while also ensuring quality control and production. Consistency in product and taste, batch per batch, is the goal. We cannot ensure this if our product is in someone else’s hands.

How do I know if the elderberry syrup I currently take is a quality product?
If your elderberry syrup was purchased off the shelf and not out of the fridge it is not a superior product. This means it was essentially canned (“hot poured”) to be shelf stable, which drastically decreases the benefits of the syrup. It also usually means that it was sweetened and thickened with an artificial sweetener and typically only contains an extract of elderberry.

But I buy my syrup out of a fridge or from someone local, how do I know if it is a quality product?
If your elderberry syrup bounces off of a spoon (like water) or runs down a plate (like water) when tipped vertically with no bits of sediment it is likely not a concentrated or superior product. This means less ingredients in the jar, including elderberries and honey. You can also shake your jar of syrup – The liquid should coat the sides of the jar (as well as the sediment) and stick around for a bit.

A local and refrigerated syrup is typically always better than store bought, but if your syrup does any of the things mentioned above that may indicate a thinner and cheaper product, you may want to reconsider.

Is your elderberry syrup homemade?
Our syrup is small batch and hand made every step of the way, from boiling the berries and spices, to mixing to bottling – literally. You get the benefits of a consistent, high quality product made with care (not mass produced) but in our commercial kitchen setting so it’s safe! Best of both worlds!

Our commercial kitchen is regularly inspected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA). It is illegal to produce elderberry syrup in a home setting, as it is considered a “high risk” food product by the USDA, due to its need for refrigeration.

I am local to Mooresville/Statesville, how can I get some?
Josh’s Farmers Market in Mooresville and Johnson Greenhouses in Statesville area always stocked with syrup. We offer over 40 other locations around the Mooresville/Charlotte area. We always recommend calling before going as our syrup tends to sell out frequently.

If you would like to visit our storefront, we are located at 2317 West Front Street in Statesville, NC. Here you can sample our syrup and ask questions as well as shop other wellness items offered by local artisans and families.

Please check our hours before visiting as they vary depending on season!

What does your syrup taste like?
Elderberries themselves are very aromatic and sweet but also slightly bitter. We have taken great care in balancing out the bitter from the clove and berries with the sweet from the rose hips and honey. A hint of lemon juice does a good job at balancing out both ends for a perfectly blended concoction of pure DELICIOUSNESS!

Many people expect elderberry syrup to be bitter or taste like cough medicine. We formulated this recipe based off of our very picky children. It is hard to describe flavor and everyone’s palate picks up on different tastes.

Overall we'd explain the flavor as: an (elder)berry and honey flavor with subtle notes of floral and cinnamon. If you are not a fan of honey we do offer the same ingredients but sweetened with agave nectar.

Where do your elderberries come from?
Our elderberries come from Europe, Bulgaria to be exact!

I left my syrup out by accident, now what?
It is generally ok. If your syrup was left out over night or for a day or so, just place it back in the fridge. Due to the unique properties of our ingredients our syrup does not create a welcoming environment for harmful bacteria to grow rapidly. Our shelf life study deemed our syrup safe out of the fridge for up to 5 days.

As always, we recommend you keep an eye on the consistency, taste and smell of the syrup. Do not consume if it starts growing white mold, smells bad, tastes bad or fizzes upon opening.

How long does it last? When does it expire?
We date our syrup 4 months from our kitchen make date, although it typically lasts a few months longer, especially if unopened.

Our elderberry syrup is stamped with a best by date sticker on the bottom of the jar. This is not an expiration date, as it can and typically does last longer than that date, especially when stored properly (not in the door of the fridge!)

As always, we recommend you keep an eye on the consistency, taste and smell of the syrup. Do not consume if it starts growing white mold, smells bad, tastes bad or fizzes upon opening. You can also freeze your syrup (see the next FAQ).

Our syrup has a shelf life study of 7 months, unopened (we stopped testing after that).

Can I freeze my elderberry syrup?
Yes! We recommend shaking well and distributing in ½ ounce molds. Ice cube trays can work as well, but would offer larger serving sizes. Here is a link to a ½ mold on Amazon!

Where should I store my syrup?
Your syrup should be stored in your refrigerator. It does not contain preservatives, as it is a freshly made product.

We recommend storing your syrup on a shelf in your fridge. Avoid storage in the door as the temperatures do not remain consistent, as the door is often open and closed several times a day.

What amount do you recommend?
A recommended adult serving is 1 TBSP per day

A recommended child serving is 1 tsp per day

Intake can be increased to every 2-3 hours as desired.

Can I take more than the recommended amount?
Yes! Our Elderberry Syrup is derived from natural food products, such as berries and spices along with local raw honey. It is high in Vitamin C, which in high amounts, can potentially cause loose stools.

How much elderberry syrup does my family need?
We get this question a lot. Here is a quick reference to how much elderberry syrup we suggest based on your family size.

One Adult – 16oz
Two Adults – 32oz
One Child – 8oz
One Adult, One Child – 16oz
Two Adults, One Child – 8oz + 16oz OR 32oz
Two Adults, Two Children – 32oz

The suggested quantities are based on each family member taking their suggested dosage of elderberry syrup once a day, five days a week for a duration of 4 weeks. If desired more frequently (you don’t want to be caught without) double the recommended amount or add on an extra 8oz or 16oz jar for backup.

Nutrition Facts Panel
Our 8oz jars hold 16 adult servings and 48 child servings

Our 16oz jars hold 32 adult servings and 96 child servings

Our 32oz jars hold 64 adult servings and 192 child serving

Can I make gummies with my syrup?
It is very easy to make gummies with already purchased syrup!

You just need already made syrup, coconut oil, gelatin powder and a fun silicon mold!

Here is a recipe if you’d like to try it.

Please note that gummies only last 2-3 weeks when stored in the fridge. You could also freeze them and take out what is needed for the week.

I am a retailer and would like to purchase your syrup wholesale
Fantastic! Please e-mail us athello@bewildlyrooted.com for wholesale information.

My kids are picky!
Pssst! Our kids are picky too! I have four kiddos so I understand this struggle bus. When I first started making elderberry syrup I started with a basic recipe. The flavor was not a huge hit with my kiddos and I expected more from the syrup. So I started a long journey of research, finding spices and herbs that helped to balance out each other in both taste and benefits. I also went through 11 kinds of local raw honey until I found the perfect one, which highly influences flavor.

My kids view their daily elderberry syrup as a treat. They fight over who gets theirs first (seriously) and always ask for more.

Do not refer to elderberry syrup as medicine. We call it Magic Unicorn Juice (and for kiddos that can read, this is mentioned in the About Us section on the jar!), yummy juice, berry juice etc.

I often measure out half a dose for my three year old because I know she will always ask for more. We both win!

If your kids do not prefer the syrup straight out of a shot glass, do not fret! It mixes well in grape juice, smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, popsicles etc. We also offer a gummy recipe in this FAQ.

For younger kiddos, placing it in a medicine syringe may work best. I would use this as a last resort because you do not generally want your kids thinking they are going to take “nasty medicine”.

I am pregnant/Breastfeeding, is it safe to consume?
Several area Midwives and OBGYN’s have approved the syrup for pregnancy. It has also been approved by several certified lactation consultants.

I personally took it through my own pregnancies and throughout my breastfeeding journeys.

We also have a local birth center that carries our syrup and encourages their pregnant and breastfeeding mommas to take it.

As always, I encourage you to consult with your physician before taking our elderberry syrup.

Can I give to my baby?
Infants under 12 months of age should not consume honey. We offer an elderberry syrup labeled Vegan/Infant. This variety contains the same ingredients as the regular syrup but it is sweetened with organic agave nectar instead of local raw honey.

Allergies & Dietary Restrictions
I have food allergies to eggs, nuts and dairy – is your syrup safe to consume?
YES! Our syrup is the only product produced in our commercial kitchen. It never comes in contact with eggs, nuts, soy or dairy of any kind.

I have several customers who have severe food allergies and who typically make most of their food products by hand due to allergen risk but our syrup is one of the few products they purchase and trust.

I am Vegan, do you make syrup without honey?
Yes! We offer an elderberry syrup labeled Vegan/Infant. This variety contains the same ingredients as the regular syrup but it is sweetened with organic agave nectar instead of local raw honey.

I have diabetes, is it safe to consume?
The syrup has raw unprocessed honey which the body handles much differently than artificial sweeteners and cane sugar, but it’s still sugar none the less. The person in question would need to watch their blood sugar after taking a small amount.

Elderberries and other ingredients may regulate insulin and glucose levels, but we are not medical professionals. We recommend asking your physician before taking our elderberry syrup.

We do offer DIY kits for those who want to make their own, either unsweetened or with your preferred sweetener. You can find those here!

If you are local and would like syrup without sweetener added, please contact us. You can place a special order, prepay and we will notify you when it is ready.

Can I have syrup without sweetener?
We do offer DIY kits for those who want to make their own, either unsweetened or with your preferred sweetener. You can find those here!

If you are local and would like syrup without sweetener added, please contact us. You can place a special order, prepay and we will notify you when it is ready.

I am allergic to an ingredient, can I get it without?
We do not currently offer our readymade syrup without particular ingredients, however, you can e-mail us athello@bewildlyrooted.com and request a DIY kit without certain ingredients.

You must e-mail us before purchasing. I will set up a private link for you to order a customized DIY kit.

Shipping & Orders
My syrup arrived at room temperature, now what?
No worries!

Due to the unique properties of our ingredients our syrup does not create a welcoming environment for harmful bacteria to grow rapidly. Our shelf life study deemed our syrup safe out of the fridge for up to 5 days. We ship priority mail which arrives from our facility to your door step in 1-3 days.

Place your jar in the fridge upon arrival, preferably on a shelf and not in the door.

My syrup was damaged during shipping
We will take care of that for you! Please e-mail us or contact us through Etsy with detailed pictures of the package and contents inside if possible (be careful!). We must be notified of damaged items within 3 days of delivery.

Once we receive pictures of the damage, we will send out another jar right away, at no cost to you.

It is MAJORLY helpful if you take the package to the post office, as that will ensure our insurance claim with the post office will be approved.

My package is lost or has not arrived
We recommend calling or visiting your local post office with your tracking number in hand. We cannot process refunds or make insurance claims on packages that are missing.

How quickly will I get my order?
Lightning Speed! We offer the fastest shipping among our competitors. We ship your order via Priority Mail the same or next business day.

Most orders will be delivered to your door within 2-4 business days, depending on your location.

We drop our packages off at a main distribution hub, which means they go directly out without backtracking or being carried from smaller post offices to the distribution centers. This speeds up shipping quite a bit!

Still have a question?
No problem, we are always happy to help! Please e-mail us athello@bewildlyrooted.com or you may also call (704) 880-2421.
We are often busy in the kitchen, so if we do not answer please leave a detailed message and a call back number and we will return your call within 24 hours.

FAQs (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.